Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Why now is such a great time to buy in the market and Interest rate affordability
With all this talk about record low mortgage rates and interest rates, it is very important to know what this means for you. Lets talk about monthly savings on your mortgage payment.
If you were to buy a $100,000 home today and get a 30 year mortgage rate at 4% (with only 3.5% down payment) your principal and interest payment would be $460.71.  If you decide to wait a year or two and interest rates went up to 6% (same scenario 30 year mortgage, 3.5% down payment) the principal and interest payment would then jump up to $578.57. This is a savings of over $117.86 a month.
Same scenario on a $150,000 home you would save over 176.79 a month and on a $300,000 home you could save over $353.58 a month.
There are some other factors that also play into my thoughts on why now is such a great time to buy with record low interest rates and that is that the PMI (Private mortgage insurance) rates keep increasing and are set to increase again on April 1, 2012. Home prices have been at record lows for the last few years and those are also only expected to rise over the next few months and years. So if you are thinking about waiting a year or so to buy, you may want to think again.

Mindy Dalrymple
DEEB Realty

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